pp108 : openWith Property

openWith Property

Object that specifies the alternate application that can be opened from a property sheet.



propertysheetID.openWith [ =oApplication ]





Object that denotes the application Definition of the application that needs to be opened as an alternate application from the Property Sheet.


If theopenWithproperty is set to the object, then each of the property displayed in the property sheet will appear will have a link to this application on the top of the property sheet. Clicking on the "..." button in the description, will open the new application as per the specified parameters. Usually, this application looks unique from the other ones, the difference being, this item will be enclosed in braces "()" by default.

Following is a sample declaration of the application Definition in the HTML page:


<script id="newapplication" type="cordys/xml">
        <description>Multi Functional grid</description>
        <caption>Multi Functional grid</caption>

Once this is defined, the onselect of the page can be modified to attach this to the property as follows:


<HTML onselect="selectApplication()"> 
//Function on select
function selectApplication()
    propertysheet.openWith = newApplication; 

The name or description of the item displayed will be taken from the<description>node or the<caption>node. If both of these nodes are not found, then it is retrieved from the <url> node.

See Also
